An exceptional 14-year-old boy named Curtis Lawrence III has set a record at George Washington University, United States after emerging as the youngest ever admitted student of the institution.
Curtis Lawrence III who set to earn a degree in biology and computer science started out as an extraordinary student. At the age of 10, he was already taking the SATs examination.
Following his graduation from High School, Curtis gained admission into 14 universities including several Ivy Leagues and was awarded a scholarship of more than $1.6million.
Some of the schools that accepted Curtis Lawrence III includes George Washington University, Hampton, Harvard, Howard, Morehouse, Morgan, North Carolina A&T, University of California Berkeley, University of Chicago, and Yale University.
He took early college classes through a special program at George Washington University when he was just 14 years old and by at the age of 16, he joined the university system fully.
According to George Washington University, Curtis Lawrence III is the youngest undergraduate in the school. “The 14-year-old is the youngest student in our traditional undergraduate on-campus program,” according to the University.
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